Education Standards
We have undertaken work aimed at developing, maintaining and updating the 14 to 19 education standards. These standards are widely supported. They cover the full breadth of the built environment, they are open sourced on behalf of the sector as a whole.
Education Standards for 14 to 19 CBE have been subjected to a light-touch review. The key changes include:
1. The addition of a number of learning outcomes relating to sustainability.
2. Addition of an annex dealing with sustainability that links to the work of the Green Construction Board.
3. An updated specification for the specialist subject, Heritage.
4. Addition of an annex dealing with heritage and traditional building.
14 to 19 Education Standards
The revised and updated education standards can be downloaded from this website.
Guidance to support standards
In addition a companion document is now also available that includes a range of advice and guidance to support learning. This associated guidance can also be downloaded from the website.